Monday, 4 January 2021

Welcome to 2021!

Hi all

There isn't a lot of news. Most of the world is still locked down. Perhaps more now than it was a couple of months ago. The new strain of Covid-19 is leading to more restrictions, especially around international travel.

The vaccine is on the horizon, the world may get safer, and we may be able to travel again. For now we have hopes and aspirations, but no plans. We have not scheduled a Gasshuku in Okinawa for 2021. We will get a better idea of how that might eventuate if or how the delayed Olympics happen. 

In the meantime, keep training, and keep communicating.

Sensei Aivaras Engelaitis has a Facebook Group called  "Tairabunkai basics and fundamentals" with about 1400 members now. Aivaras has taken on the burden of trying to lift the level of students so that they may get more benefit from attending future Taira Sensei seminars. Have a look!

Let's all hope that 2021 is a better year, and we progress to a more satisfactory version of "normal"

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