At the request of Hugo Cuneo sensei with the permission of Taira sensei, I gave as usual a seminar in Geneva Switzerland.
There were only kenkyukai members in attendance. So, I
didn't teach drills like open/close/change.... 

I decided to teach renzuku bunkai in their basic
version from the beginning to the end of some katas (sepai, kururunfa and
I chose to teach bunkai because I noticed every time I
attend Taira sensei seminar that many Kenkyukai members didn't know the renzuku
bunkai of most of the katas and this lack of knowledge prevents the proper
conduct of Taira sensei seminar.
I was lucky, Vero was with me to teach beginners and
Big thanks to Hugo Cuneo sensei and his wife and all
his students’ from kenkyukai Geneve Switzerland.
Nirina Rakotozafiminahy